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*[Special Instructions: If any member would like to open both the digital and virtual library Account,, in that case they should register separately by using different mail id as user name, to find out the packages for Digital library please click here and to find out the packages for Virtual library please click here.]
To Log in Digital & Virtual Library Users or Members can Click Here Now.
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Only Paid Members of both the Digital & Virtual Library Users or Members can Log in after registration.
Only Paid Members of both the Digital & Virtual Library Users or Members can Log in Here [After Registration, if you choose any paid services with self servicing facility then only your registered account will be activated. Paid members can only use this log in portal, after registration process they can get some free digital nos for the current issue as well as each issues of the journal with suffix [Short name of Juornal with details of volume and issues] and journal details will be incorporated in our database system. After selecting paid version and clearance of service charges, user id will be activated only for users with self servicing pacakages and then you can create digital no. for articles through member login portal. For self servicing you have to generate all the digital no. yourself, we will only activate it. In case of free servicing it will be provided by us without activating log in portal of users. Although it is a very easy process, if anyone select the self servicing options, then we will help them to create the same.]
After Registration, if you choose any paid services [self servicing packages] then only your registered account will be activated. We are not the provider of CrossRef doi or doi started from 10...., we only provide a digital no., powered by, for more details you can visit our indexed Journal [CLICK Here] or Indexed Articles [CLICK Here]
To create a Digital Library Account [to get a unique digital no. of your organization] please Register here.