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DOI Services
A digital object identifier (DOI) is a serial code used to uniquely identify objects. The DOI system is particularly used for electronic documents such as journal articles. The DOI
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Digital Library
Digital Library is a storehouse of Indexed Articles, Indexed Journals, Indexed Books, Indexed Libraries, and Other Indexing Objectsand it is nothing but a cross reference system in
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Indexed Articles
Digital Library is a storehouse of Indexed Articles, Indexed Journals, Indexed Books, Indexed Libraries, and Other Indexing Objectsand it is nothing but a cross reference system in
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Indexed Journals
Digital technology, Internet connectivity and physical content can be dovetailed resulting in Digital Library. Data available in physical form has been preserved digitally in Digit
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Virtual Library
Virtual Library is basically storehouse of Lab Manual in various field and developed to collect, archive and preserve the burgeoning amounts of digital contents like Virtual Books,
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Virtual Experimental Lab.
Virtual Experimental Lab. provides the description of various experimental work in the area of Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences. The Virtual Library has been separated
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*Digital Online Identifier basically consisted with Digital Library & Virtual Libraries and which are the storehouse of knowledge as they maintain the journals, published articles, book and other knowledge resources available. However, with the advent of digital technology and Internet connectivity, the library scenario is changing fast. Digital technology, Internet connectivity and physical content can be dovetailed resulting in Digital Library. Digital Library is a storehouse of Indexed Articles, Indexed Journals, Indexed Books, Indexed Libraries, and Other Indexing Objects and it is nothing but a csource, in which Digital online Identifier provide a digital no. for a particular object or article. Data available in physical form has been preserved digitally in Digital Library. The Digital Library is helping to develop an international strategy to collect, archive and preserve the burgeoning amounts of digital contents like journals, articles, books, conference proceedings for current and future generations. Virtual Library is basically storehouse of Lab Manual in various field and developed to collect, archive and preserve the burgeoning amounts of digital contents like Virtual Books, Virtual Animal Lab and Virtual Experimental Lab. It is used for providing the Digital Collections & Services, Web Capture and Archiving, Custodian Videos and for accessing to print, pictorial and audio-visual collections and other digital services like indexing of Journal to other site. The Library’s commitment to providing digital access to materials of historical importance extends to content that exists only in digital form, including web sites. eg, search it to google 05-2016-44975451 or https://doi-ds.org/doilink/10.2016-53692176/ or https://doi-ds.org/Digital-Library/?issno=asio&doidsno= or 10.2016-14781119
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Digital Online Identifier-Database System by Digital Online Identifier-Database System is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at https://doi-ds.org/Digital-Library/. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://doi-ds.org/login/.