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A digital object identifier (DOI) is a serial code used to uniquely identify objects. Digital Library is a storehouse of Indexed ArticlesIndexed JournalsIndexed BooksIndexed Librariesand Other Indexing Objectsand it is nothing but a cross reference system in which Digital online Organization provide a doi no. [eg, search doi no. to google 05.2016-65533652]for a particular object or article. The Digital Library is helping to develop an international strategy to collect, archive and preserve the burgeoning amounts of digital contents like journals, articles, books, conference proceedings for current and future generations.  

The main objective of this Digtal Library is to provide an unique digital/electronic/doi no. to any specific objects. If any one want to enlist their objects/articles/product/organizations then the users may registered through the members portal and can get a doi no. for their objects. This doi link is interconnected with the URL of this object and this system can use as a crossref system. Any one can traced that objects through the specific doi no. Any organization/publishers can enlisted their products/objects/articles here to get a specific and unique automatic generated doi no. Some importants links are in generated with the doi link, once they have been clicked, click these to access another page in the Digital Library or to go to an external web site. Each and ever objects/articles and products having a specific auto generated doi no. and doi link with objects description. Doi link is like https://doi-ds.org/doilink/10.2016-53692176// and last digits are the doi no. of that specific products. DOIs are identifiers that provide access to electronic versions of journal articles. They will be linked from the doi data base system.

For example:



The doi represented a shift in digital library projects from a focus on quantity for its own sake to quality; quantity remains a priority, but not at the expense of the quality standards established during the start-up phase.

For searching the enlisted indexed articles/objects/products please Click here and for getting a DOI Impact Factor [DOIJIF] please Click Here.

For searching the enlisted indexed organizations, Institutes, Libraries, Journals please visit our Digital library Database System here.


ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : [ISSN: 2455-3794]
Name of Organization/Publisher : Albert Science International Organization (ASIO)
doi number : 07.2021-58192382
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2021-58192382/ASIO-JETPR/10.2016-56941953/V2/I2

ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : [ISSN: 2455-3794]
Name of Organization/Publisher : Albert Science International Organization (ASIO)
doi number : 07.2021-32513581
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2021-32513581/ASIO-JETPR/10.2016-56941953/V2/I1

ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : [ISSN: 2455-3794]
Name of Organization/Publisher : Albert Science International Organization (ASIO)
doi number : 07.2021-87444153
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2021-87444153/ASIO-JETPR/10.2016-56941953/V1/I1

ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : [ISSN: 2455-2224]
Name of Organization/Publisher : Albert Science International Organization -ASIO
doi number : 07.2021-11781136
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2021-11781136/ASIO-JHMSSI/10.2016-14781119/V4/I2

ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : [ISSN: 2455-2224]
Name of Organization/Publisher : Albert Science International Organization -ASIO
doi number : 07.2021-55251538
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2021-55251538/ASIO-JHMSSI/10.2016-14781119/V4/I1

ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : [ISSN: 2455-2224]
Name of Organization/Publisher : Albert Science International Organization -ASIO
doi number : 07.2021-82146435
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2021-82146435/ASIO-JHMSSI/10.2016-14781119/V3/I2

ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : [ISSN: 2455-2224]
Name of Organization/Publisher : Albert Science International Organization -ASIO
doi number : 07.2021-98725664
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2021-98725664/ASIO-JHMSSI/10.2016-14781119/V3/I1

ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : [ISSN: 2455-2224]
Name of Organization/Publisher : Albert Science International Organization -ASIO
doi number : 07.2021-34774517
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2021-34774517/ASIO-JHMSSI/10.2016-14781119/V2/I2

ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : [ISSN: 2455-2224]
Name of Organization/Publisher : Albert Science International Organization -ASIO
doi number : 07.2021-74199351
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2021-74199351/ASIO-JHMSSI/10.2016-14781119/V2/I1

ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : [ISSN: 2455-2224]
Name of Organization/Publisher : Albert Science International Organization -ASIO
doi number : 07.2021-89397574
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2021-89397574/ASIO-JHMSSI/10.2016-14781119/V1/I1

Siddha Papers
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 0974-2522
Name of Organization/Publisher : Walters Siddha Research Centre
doi number : 06.2021-93283612
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/06.2021-93283612/

ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2348-7968
Name of Organization/Publisher : Ijiset
doi number : 06.2021-27836591
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/06.2021-27836591/

Frontier Anthropology
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : ISSN: 2319-5835
Name of Organization/Publisher : Anthropological Society of Manipur, India
doi number : 06.2021-53228984
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/06.2021-53228984/Frontier Anthropology

ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2582-743X
Name of Organization/Publisher : Dr. Pooja Dasgupta
doi number : 06.2021-26839299
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/06.2021-26839299/IJISAR

Frontier Anthropology
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2319-5835
Name of Organization/Publisher : Anthropological Society of Manipur
doi number : 06.2021-54141595
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/06.2021-54141595/

The Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Applied Sciences (IJPESAS)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : ISSN: 2229-550X (p); 2455-0175(e)
Name of Organization/Publisher : The Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Applied Sciences (IJPESAS)
doi number : 06.2021-85613616
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/06.2021-85613616/IJPESAS/V11/I2

Syin & Sern Law Review
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : Applied
Name of Organization/Publisher : Syin & Sern Law Review
doi number : 06.2021-67134839
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/06.2021-67134839/SYIN & SERN/VOL1/ISSUE2

Pen Acclaims
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2581-5504
Name of Organization/Publisher : Pen Acclaims
doi number : 06.2021-77158387
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/06.2021-77158387/

Syin & Sern Law Review
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : Applied
Name of Organization/Publisher : Syin & Sern Law Review
doi number : 06.2021-12128184
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/06.2021-12128184/

ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2456-9704
Name of Organization/Publisher : SUPREMO AMICUS
doi number : 06.2021-59488735
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/06.2021-59488735/supremoamicus/v24/2021

Total Record - 635

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