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A digital object identifier (DOI) is a serial code used to uniquely identify objects. Digital Library is a storehouse of Indexed ArticlesIndexed JournalsIndexed BooksIndexed Librariesand Other Indexing Objectsand it is nothing but a cross reference system in which Digital online Organization provide a doi no. [eg, search doi no. to google 05.2016-65533652]for a particular object or article. The Digital Library is helping to develop an international strategy to collect, archive and preserve the burgeoning amounts of digital contents like journals, articles, books, conference proceedings for current and future generations.  

The main objective of this Digtal Library is to provide an unique digital/electronic/doi no. to any specific objects. If any one want to enlist their objects/articles/product/organizations then the users may registered through the members portal and can get a doi no. for their objects. This doi link is interconnected with the URL of this object and this system can use as a crossref system. Any one can traced that objects through the specific doi no. Any organization/publishers can enlisted their products/objects/articles here to get a specific and unique automatic generated doi no. Some importants links are in generated with the doi link, once they have been clicked, click these to access another page in the Digital Library or to go to an external web site. Each and ever objects/articles and products having a specific auto generated doi no. and doi link with objects description. Doi link is like https://doi-ds.org/doilink/10.2016-53692176// and last digits are the doi no. of that specific products. DOIs are identifiers that provide access to electronic versions of journal articles. They will be linked from the doi data base system.

For example:



The doi represented a shift in digital library projects from a focus on quantity for its own sake to quality; quantity remains a priority, but not at the expense of the quality standards established during the start-up phase.

For searching the enlisted indexed articles/objects/products please Click here and for getting a DOI Impact Factor [DOIJIF] please Click Here.

For searching the enlisted indexed organizations, Institutes, Libraries, Journals please visit our Digital library Database System here.


Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal [AMRJ]/CONTACT
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : E-ISSN 2582-5429
Name of Organization/Publisher : Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal [AMRJ]/AKSHARA PUBLICATION
doi number : 12.2022-83631511
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/12.2022-83631511/AMRJ/04.2021-43234255/CONTACT

Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal [AMRJ]/SPECIAL ISSUE
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : E-ISSN 2582-5429
Name of Organization/Publisher : Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal [AMRJ]/AKSHARA PUBLICATION
doi number : 12.2022-72317923
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/12.2022-72317923/AMRJ/04.2021-43234255/SPECIAL ISSUE

Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal [AMRJ]/CURRENT ISSUE
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : E-ISSN 2582-5429
Name of Organization/Publisher : Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal [AMRJ]/AKSHARA PUBLICATION
doi number : 12.2022-89215169
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/12.2022-89215169/AMRJ/04.2021-43234255/CURRENT ISSUE

Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal [AMRJ]
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : E-ISSN 2582-5429
Name of Organization/Publisher : Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal [AMRJ]/AKSHARA PUBLICATION
doi number : 12.2022-51741859
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/12.2022-51741859/AMRJ/04.2021-43234255

Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Applied Sciences [IJPESAS] VOL 12, NO.3, JULY 2022 ISSUE
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : ISSN:2229-550X (Print), 2455-0175(Online)
Name of Organization/Publisher : SS publication house
doi number : 12.2022-24414576
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/12.2022-24414576/IJPESAS/ 05.2016-44975451/V12/N3/July/2022

Frontier Anthropology-Volume 10 (2021)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : ISSN: 2319-5835
Name of Organization/Publisher : Anthropological Society of Manipur, India
doi number : 12.2022-23965543
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/12.2022-23965543/Frontier Anthropology/06.2021-53228984/2021/V10

Frontier Anthropology-Volume 9 (2020)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : ISSN: 2319-5835
Name of Organization/Publisher : Anthropological Society of Manipur, India
doi number : 12.2022-73595331
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/12.2022-73595331/Frontier Anthropology/06.2021-53228984/2020/V09

ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2583-5246
Name of Organization/Publisher : NISAAB PUBLISHERS
doi number : 11.2022-28177359
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/11.2022-28177359/nestrju-np

ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 09700-5775
Name of Organization/Publisher : Central Ground Water Board
doi number : 11.2022-83752771
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/11.2022-83752771/

Central Ground Water Board
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 09700-5775
Name of Organization/Publisher : BHUJAL NEWS
doi number : 11.2022-59345742
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/11.2022-59345742/

ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2349-7750
Name of Organization/Publisher : IAJPS
doi number : 10.2022-13224288
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/10.2022-13224288/

Mappila Kala Academy
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2582-550X
Name of Organization/Publisher : Cultural Affairs Government of Kerala
doi number : 10.2022-91388776
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/10.2022-91388776/

DCPCR's Children First Journal on Children's Lives
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2583-3073
Name of Organization/Publisher : Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR)
doi number : 10.2022-33688897
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/10.2022-33688897/

ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 0975-7880
Name of Organization/Publisher : The Society for Education & Social Welfare
doi number : 10.2022-68911792
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/10.2022-68911792/

ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 0975-8690
Name of Organization/Publisher : THE ETERNITY
doi number : 10.2022-97667419
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/10.2022-97667419/

ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2391-6947
Name of Organization/Publisher : RESEARCH TODAY
doi number : 09.2022-51594542
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2022-51594542/

International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2327-915X
Name of Organization/Publisher : International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning
doi number : 09.2022-71794978
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2022-71794978/

International Journal of Advanced Legal Research (IJALR)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : ISSN: 2582-7340
Name of Organization/Publisher : Aarjav Jain
doi number : 09.2022-96475867
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2022-96475867/

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering in Current Research (IJMEC)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2456-4265
Name of Organization/Publisher : International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering in Current Research (IJMEC)
doi number : 09.2022-69957714
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2022-69957714/IJMEC/11.2021-35126885/ISSUE

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering in Current Research (IJMEC)
ISSN/Org Reg. No. : 2456-4265
Name of Organization/Publisher : International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering in Current Research (IJMEC)
doi number : 09.2022-85876168
Website URL : https://doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2022-85876168/IJMEC/11.2021-35126885/ARCHIVE

Total Record - 634

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